Rosetta Parker
Rosetta Parker’s career in property management and Real Estate sales spans 20 years and includes serving as Asset Manager for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Virginia Housing Finance Agency and the Asset Investment Management Corporation, a real estate investment trust. She has functioned as owner and operator of a Real Estate brokerage and fee management firm in Dallas, Texas, and currently is a principle of Premier Real Estate Management, Inc. Ms. Parker is a certified Property Manager whose training and experience is producing bottom line results in multi-family portfolios.
Ms. Parker has been the recipient of the Professional Achievement Award since 1987 nationally, and was conferred into the Academy of Author’s for her authorship in writing the handbook on elderly management. Additionally, she has received the manager of the year award by her local chapter of the Institute of Real Estate Management.
Ms. Parker has been the author of training courses and modules on elderly housing as well as Procedural Management courses in both conventional and subsidized housing. Ms. Parker serves as a faculty member, teaching techniques of housing management practice for the Institute of Real Estate Management.
More recently, she served as Director of Asset Management for a Real Estate Investment Trust. In that capacity, she serviced the Affordable Housing and conventionally financed properties. Parker developed and presented public education seminars for small and large investors, public agencies, and non-profit groups in order to perpetuate the sales of multifamily investment purchases from the Resolution Trust Corporation. These sales are produced under the guidelines of the Affordable Housing Program as mandated by FIRREA. Parker’s track record in managing multi-family investments is extensive; creating bottom line results on managed portfolios.
Ms. Parker has served the Small Investor interests for all types of investments, such as the sale of Real Estate, non-performing loans, securitization of loans and subsidiary assets. Parker holds licenses as a Real Estate Broker and Certified Commercial Appraiser as well as being a CPM (Certified Property Manager).
Currently, Ms. Parker is a principle in Premier Real Estate Management, Inc. Premier is an association of conscientious professionals who have their roots in the management philosophies and realities of service to residential communities.
Progress & Stats
Property Location
- 50% Kansas
- 100% Lawrence
Property Type
- 100% Apartment Complex
- 50% Single Family Home, Duplex or Small Multiplex
Property Status
- 100% For Rent